
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) is the traditional way of developing. The issue with WYSIWYG is that it is not holistic, so there are many errors that can be overlooked.

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Vs. WYSI

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) is the traditional way of developing.

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) is the traditional way of developing. It has been around since the 1950s, when computers were first invented. In this method, you create your design using a mouse or keyboard and see what it looks like on screen right away.

There are many advantages to WYSIWYG: it’s fast and easy; there are fewer mistakes because they can be seen immediately; designers don’t need special training in coding languages like HTML or CSS; and you can use any program that works with images such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator instead of having to learn new software specifically made for developers/designers who want more control over their creations than just being able to change colors and fonts easily but not much else

The issue with WYSIWYG is that it is not holistic, so there are many errors that can be overlooked.

The issue with WYSIWYG is that it is not holistic, so there are many errors that can be overlooked. If you’re developing a website using this method, you may have to go back and edit your code multiple times before everything looks right. That’s time-consuming and expensive!


WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) is the traditional way of developing websites. It’s what you see in Dreamweaver and other WYSIWYG editors, where you can drag and drop elements onto your page and they will automatically display correctly on the browser. This is not holistic, so there are many errors that can be overlooked when using this method. Additionally, it’s not scalable; if you have a large project to work on then WYSIWYG won’t be able to handle it without significant effort on your part or additional tools like Bootstrap (which we’ll talk about later).


WYSIWYG is the traditional way of developing. It’s great in that it allows you to see what you are creating as soon as possible, but there are many issues with this method. First off, it doesn’t allow for holistic development–meaning that there are many errors that can be overlooked because they only show themselves at the end of development. Second, WYSIWYG doesn’t allow for easy access to all parts of a project which means developers have to spend time learning how each part works before being able to work on them efficiently (or at all). In contrast, WYSI